Going On The Account: Blogtober – Coincidence or Consequence?

Welcome to day ten of the continuing Blogtober crisis, where before the end of this we’ll find some way to justify keeping Ted Koppel on the air long after it’s finished


Speaking of crisis impact, I’ve had a few folks ask me how what we just went through compared with what I’m writing now, which is a fair question, all said.


Yes, it’s easy to see that there’s much of my work that echoes a lot of what we just went through.  The situation in the Midwest does seem like the “Big Dry” and the storm does seem to have done similar damage to what Hurricane Alejandro had wrought when he came ashore in the novel, although he swiped a little to the east of where Sandy had been.  And if the normal sea levels where the novel has set them were the same height as where the surges that came with Sandy that took out the tunnels, making the flooding we saw permanent (which seems possible when you have Governor Cuomo stating his belief that we’re going to get storms like this a lot more often),  then yes, I could probably claim to be the next Morgan Robertson, whose book Futility about a giant ship being  christened Titan sunk in the Atlantic by an iceberg just did not sell all that well until the Titanic disaster14 years later…


Of course, it’s not all radical climate shift we have to worry about.  Part of what sends this time our children will know better into such a calamitous state is a shift in the balance of power after Korea reunifies, which may not happen soon.


Although President  Lee Myung-Bak of South Korea doesn’t seem resigned to a long wait; in fact, minister for reunification Yu Woo-ik is drawing up a sensible roadmap for it, trying to avoid some of the issues the Germans faced when they came back together…


Well, there was also that part about an Arab-Israeli Cyber War I threw in there…


…which admittedly was written after word about Struxnet hit the wires, although this does not seem to be the end of the story…


O-kaaaa-a-a-a-a-y….  I think I’m going to make this a quick post; I have to see about talking to some folks and let them know that, yes, I do want to see those southern Ontario listings after all…


And maybe download some Morgan Robertson while I’m at it…

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