Going On The Account: Strange Days Indeed

First off, happy birthdays for those with their big events to celebrate on the 4th (236 years) and the 1st (30 years in this form).  Apologies for the lack of word before now, but some of what’s been going on around me, believe me, the less you’re drawn in the better…

So what better time than bringing up the past to look at a few pieces that discuss the future?  Recently there were two pieces from the Associated Press about faster sea level raises on the US East Coast and claims that this last June is going to be “what global warming might look like.”  Both of which came out just as someone indirectly brought to my attention this piece from SLATE in 2009 about a weather disaster doomsday, which ties it all together pretty neatly…

All we need now is a pertinent story about pirates, though it seems the biggest news about pirates is Canada’s passage of Bill C-11, which is kinda-sorta-maybe tied in, a little…?


Speaking of things to come, I may be looking at at least one week off in terms of sharing the book.  There’s going to be a week were I’m going inland with an oar on one shoulder and a WiFi device under the other arm; when I get somewhere where I can’t justify having either with me, I’ll take a few days away from the water and the grid.  There may also be a week before that when I may need to concentrate on a few other things and need to push stuff aside for a small bit.  I’ll give plenty of warning before any of that happens.


Whichever side of the 49th you’re on, hope it’s a good week (whatever part of it you get for yourself)!

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