Going On the Account: Reading Between the Lines on a Map


Ideas are a golden, savage landscape that we wander unaware, without a map.

  • Alan Moore

This morning, the following churned up as a recommendation on YouTube:

Long story short, it assesses which areas of the country are going to become riskier to settle in as the climate changes on us, and-

Now, at this point, some of you or someone you love might read up to that point and say, “But climate change ain’t real!” At the very least, they might say, “Ah, that’s just fear mongering,” without any irony concerning the use of fear in making their point. Which is a whole other topic to look at another time, but anyways…

Which is interesting to consider when you get to a point in the video where they discuss the phenomena of people moving out of cities located in areas where there’s less danger from climate change, and going to places less well positioned, as given in the screen cap below:

You look at the image, and something pops out at you when you start to compare it with the 2020 presidential election results map…

Expanding out from this, we notice something when we look at a few other maps…

I think it’s safe to suggest that we now have a pretty good idea why these voices of denial shout so loud…

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