Going On the Account: Following the Herd

I have to admit, I never really got into Twitter.

There were all kinds of reasons to do so, the need to “be part of the conversation,” especially among journalists and politicians. Until now, though, I never really felt I needed to be part of that. Probably the presence of an “orange politician,” for lack of a good term, had something to do with it…

But, the times change, and require new things of us as they do. I’m at a point where I do need to “be part of the conversation,” for a number of reasons. And, as the news can attest, I picked a GREAT time to reach that point…

So, though it’s time to speak up, I’m going to a different place to do so:


At this point, I don’t have the button for Mastodon set on the contact page, and am trying to work out some of the technical issues, but I’m hoping I can smooth out the kinks as I proceed. If all goes the way hoped, I should be able to share there the way I do on Instagram and Facebook with things thought and said and seen.

O brave new world(s)…

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