Going On The Account: Seized Booty: Me Write Good

For the first time, I’ve re-blogged another person’s entry…
Let me introduce you to Speaker7, the woman who made a name for herself with her summations of Fifty Shades of Grey that allows you to understand that work without actually suffering through it, and re-introduced the world to the Hugo Man of 1000 Faces puppet, which frankly for everything the 1970s has haunted us with was relatively benign…


So why am I reposting her stuff here?  Other than for the fact that this was a particularly good piece, and that I had to offer some props to her for encouraging me to engage in the Blogtober stunt last year?


Well, there’s my professional standing amongst the Brethren of the Coast, Local # 180164 (hey me folks, arrrgh!).  I got a note from the shop steward-cum-first mate that it’d been too long since I’d seized a prize, and that for the sake of me professional standing I had to swoop down and grab me some booty to take with me that I then be bound to pull into port with where I was to then take her and…


…well, the rest of the requirement is both technical and graphic, so let’s leave it at that point and just say that after the swooping in and claiming of the prize, that I have renewed my right to carry on in the name of a proud tradition in place since the 1600s.


Or at the very least I can justify carrying on…

My thanks to Speaker7 for being a good sport, and hoping Mr. Speaker did well in his race for office tonight.


Now that I’m writing daily, I figured this was an opportune time to analyze who I am as a writer.

I am not doing this because I’m desperately looking for something to write about only three days into NaBloWriMo, but because….um…yeah, I can’t even finish this sentence.

Analyzing takes a lot of work and takes away from the time I should be watching my son while he sticks legos into the garbage disposal. Luckily there is a website that does it for me: I Write Like.

You likely have heard of this site because it became super popular three years ago–this is why this blog is on the cutting edge, according to a search I performed in AltaVista.

The basic premise is you paste some of your stuff into a comment box and presto! you are told you write like a great artist such as a Norman Mailer or…

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